Rounding To The Nearest Tenth Calculator

Instantly round any decimal number to the nearest tenth value.

The calculator will also provide the whole number as well as rounded to the hundredth (if applicable) as an example.

How To Round To The Nearest Tenth

When you are rounding a number to the nearest 10th, you are taking a number and rounding it to the first decimal point.

To do this you would rely on the number in the hundredth position (second decimal number) to decide if the number in the tenth position (first decimal number) should be rounded up or stay the same.

Round To The Nearest Tenth Examples:

Take the number 234.56

We will want to round to the nearest tenth by deciding if the .5 in 234.56 should be rounded up or stay the same.

To do this, we look at the number in the hundredth position.  In this case it is 6 (234.56).

If the number in the hundredth position is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, we round up.

If the number in the hundredth position is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, or there is no number in the hundredth position, it stays the same.

In our example, because the number in the hundredth position is 6, the number in the tenth position (5) is rounded up from 234.56 to 234.6.

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Categories: Math